

The universality of the ability to argue in the Mexican baccalaureate (Eduardo Harada)

Abstract: The ability to argue is one of the most important and useful skills that anyone can acquire, develop and improve because: 1) you can not only support and justify the positions and proposals that are held on the problems and conflicts to which one must decide individually or collectively, but also 2) you can achieve rational acceptance of such positions and proposals. Indeed, arguing is intended to persuade, convince or reach agreements through the exchange of reasons.

However, in spite of that it was not until very recently that we became fully aware of its “universality” or necessity for the harmonious and integral development of those who study in the Mexican Baccalaureate or high school System: this capacity does not only suppose the possession of intellectual and cognitive knowledge, skills, attitudes and values, but also socio-affective ones too. In fact, very few plans and programs in this education level use the word 'arguing' to refer to an educational goal or understand it in a very limited way.

This paper seeks to show that in the SEP’s RIEMS (Secretary of Public Education's Integral Reform of the Upper Middle Level Education in Spanish) programs and study plans give great importance to the ability to argue and this is mentioned  either directly or indirectly in almost all the generic and disciplinary competences which  make up its graduate profile because by means of it one can solve problems, resolve conflicts and make decisions in a critical, creative and responsible manner not only about practical and everyday issues but also on theoretical and specialized problems. Great attention is to be paid to this ability since it is not only demanded while pursuing a college education or professional studies of any sort, but also in labor  market, but above all  in  today's world.

Keywords: argument, high school, teaching logic, argumentative competence, transversality.